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- EVENTI - 2018
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Workshop Tosoh Bioscience meeting point, a portal between Industry and Science  



On July 2 in the framework of the pre-conference activities of the 1ST IFCC, EFLM, AFCB, FIFBCML Conference "Laboratory Medicine: Meeting the needs of the Mediterranean Nations" 2-4 July 2018 at the Tor Vergata University of Rome Tosoh company organizes a meeting entitled "Tosoh Bioscience Meeting point a Portal between Industry and Science".


The workshop includes the participation of eminent representatives of the scientific community.

Prof. Lapolla, member of various Italian and European working groups in the Diabetes field, will illustrate the Guidelines for the management of the diabetic patient and Prof. Mosca, a member of working groups in various National and International scientific societies, will analyze the analytical and clinical problems in the interpretation HbA1c. Prof. Bernardini, Director of the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory of the Tor Vergata University Hospital, Dr D'Amora, Director of the PSP Analysis and Toxicology Laboratory Loreto Crispi Naples, will be the chairman of these sessions.


In the second session our Clinical Affairs Manager EMEA will present the outcomes of an evaluation of the G11 instrument applied to the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies. Dr. Giambona, responsible for the thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies screening laboratory at the Cervello Hospital, which is home of one of the most important centers in the Mediterranean for the diagnosis and treatment of hemoglobinopathies, will examine the intrinsic problems of the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies. These sessions will be moderated by Prof. Rizk from the Medical College of the University of Alexandria, Egypt and by Prof. Mosca.


By this way Tosoh wants to set a point of synergy between the technological offer of the industries and the indications of the scientific community. Science: the presentation of the speakers; Technology: the presentation of the excellence of Tosoh Bioscience.



Presentazioni del workshop



